Special Lecture “Design of a Society that Continued Hunting” - Report of the UMUT Excavations in Azerbaijan


Date and Time: Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 13:00–15:00 (Doors open at 12:40)
Venue: Intermediatheque 2F, Lecture Theater ACADEMIA
Admission: Free (no reservation required)
The number of seats is limited to 48. Your understanding is appreciated.
Languages: Japanese and Russian with interpretation
Organizer: The University Museum, The University of Tokyo (UMUT)
Support: JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP24H00001

The UMUT has been excavating prehistoric sites in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2008. The major objective is to elucidate the transition from hunting-gathering to farming societies in prehistory. This special lecture presents implications of a unique stone human figurine discovered from Damjili Cave in 2019 to understand social and symbolic changes approximately 8500-8000 BC.


○ Introduction
Yoshihiro Nishiaki, UMUT/Intermediatheque (Director)

○ Lectures
Saadat Aliyeva, Avey State Historical-Cultural Reserve, Azerbaijan (Director)
Damjili Cave and Cultural Monuments in Azerbaijan
Yoshihiro Nishiaki, UMUT/Intermediatheque (Director)
A Unique Stone Human Figurine of 8500 years ago discovered at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan

○ Discussion and Guided Tour of the Intermediatheque

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- This event will be photographed and filmed by the organizer and authorized institutions.Photographs and portions of the videos may be made public by the organizer,authorized institutions, or individuals in the future through publications or online platforms.
However, full video recordings of the symposium will not be made public.
- Visitors are not allowed to take photographs, videos, or recordings during the event.
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